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Focus Areas

Inspire to Change's mission and guiding principles reflect a deep commitment to fostering transformative social change through a variety of innovative concepts and tools. Here's an overview of each:

Aligning in Complexity
Tree of Alignment as a Theory of Engagement

This Theory of Engagement is a framework is for designing, leading, and evaluating collaborative strategies across complex initiatives. The Tree of Alignment consists of eight interdependent levels, providing a comprehensive framework to guide strategic and coherent group engagement. The metaphor of a tree honors the fact that we are working in ecosystems–not alone–and makes complexity concepts tangible and accessible. 

Restoring Connection

Restorative Practices for Generative Engagement 

Recognizing that change often brings conflict, Inspire to Change offers Restorative Practices as a means to navigate disagreements constructively. This approach turns potential conflicts into opportunities for healthy, generative discussions rather than allowing them to become toxic or stagnate progress.

Facilitating Transformation

22 Changemaker Roles that Drive Transformation 

This concept highlights the importance of different roles in driving social change. There are twenty-two distinct changemaker roles, each playing a vital part in societal dynamics. Inspire to Change assists individuals in identifying which roles they naturally gravitate towards, how to perform these roles in a way that promotes wellbeing, and how to effectively collaborate, even with those who may have differing views. 

Centering Inquiry

Research and Evaluation to Build the Evidence Base

This aspect of our work underscores the significance of evidence-based practices and principles in effecting social change. Research and evaluation are crucial for understanding what works, in what contexts, and why. Inspire to Change emphasizes the role of research in shaping effective strategies for social transformation. 

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